Why is there no delivered status tracked for my mobile push campaigns?
The status is tracked from your app by our SDK, but you need to configure it first. Refer to the relevant documentation for each platform:
If you have configured the SDK, but still cannot see any tracked events, double-check if an Engagement API group used in SDK is configured properly.
Can I manually set display priority for push notifications to show them on customer devices in a different order than they came in?
Unfortunately, not natively. The only priority that you can set for the push is normal/high, and it leads to the push not being/being shown on Android if the device is on low battery.
Why do I see multiple delivered/opened statuses from different pushes at the same time?
If the device was offline at the moment of sending, but the time-to-live hasn’t expired yet, we will try resending the pushes so they will arrive at the same time when the device will come back online. Moreover, your flush settings in the SDK configuration will affect how often the events are tracked back to the platform.
Does Bloomreach Engagement log and store outcoming push requests?
No. Our support can set up the logging for the specific cases, but that would require you to replicate the issue. Past requests are not stored.
Is it possible to add buttons or a custom image to iOS push notifications?
Yes, you can add buttons or a custom image to iOS notifications via Rich Push Notifications. The configuration guide can be found here.
Check the configuration of the SDK (including the project token, API access token, and API base URL) and the permissions of the API group itself. If they are correct, but the push token is missing, make sure you are requesting and sending it via the in-built SDK methods.
I have configured the SDK, but after launching the app I don’t see the push token in my profile in the Bloomreach Engagement platform.
Check the configuration of the SDK (including the project token, API access token, and API base URL) and the permissions of the API group itself. If they are correct, but the push token is missing, make sure you are requesting and sending it via the in-built SDK methods.
Is it possible to send a push notification to a device using HMS and a device using FCM simultaneously if they belong to the same customer?
Unfortunately, it is not possible, the Huawei Messaging service token will always take priority, and the push will only be sent to HMS. If your customers frequently use both devices and you want to ensure that the push will be sent to the one they used last, consider clearing the huawei_push_notification_id customer property via an update customer property request sent from the FCM device and requesting and sending a new HMS token on the next login to the app on a Huawei device.
Is it possible to send a custom payload for the push notification?
Yes, however, the payload syntax is defined by the push provider. If you need to send some data that wouldn’t be eligible under the required syntax, please use the Additional Data field in the push notification node Design tab. This will be attached as a separate part of the payload.
Are inactive push tokens removed from customer profiles automatically?
No. We recommend setting up a manual removal of inactive tokens via a regularly repeated scenario after two months of perceived inactivity coming from the app.
Some telling factors might be:
- Push notifications or in-app messages are not being delivered, opened, or clicked.
- There are no session_start events from the app.
- You have received one of the inactive token errors from a push provider when trying to send the push notification campaign.
In the last case, we recommend to clear the token. Additional information can be found in the Firebase and APN documentation.
How can I set up a custom sound for the push notification?
Include the name of the audio file (without the extension) in the Sound field of the push notification Design tab and ensure the audio file is in the correct application directory. The requirements for the audio file differ based on the target platform. For example, the requirements for IOS can be found here.
Is Bloomreach consent the same as the device-level push notifications consent?
No, a customer would need to grant both for you to be able to send them a push notification campaign and have it displayed on the device.